Tuesday, February 21, 2006



The Attorney pictured above is Denise Bregoff-Miller, she is a former prosecutor and a former Judge's Assistant but now has her own practice. She was part of the legal team in the Lionel Tate trial.

I met Denise whilst going through a difficult court case regarding child support, even though at the time I had a decent job, and was taking care of my children extremely well - both emotionally and financially. In fact I was an excellent father - my children spent more time with me than they spent with their mothers, my son lived with me for two years, but the court's still said I was the one that should be paying child support, even though I spent months trying to convince my son's mother that she should spend some time with him because he misses her, yet his own mother did not want to see him. Denise was prosecuting me on behalf of my child's mother - she was the prosecuting attorney and I was the defendant in what still is a very bitter, and long, drawn-out court battle which has ruined both mine and my children's lives for the past ten years.

I have put this page together because I do not want to live in fear of my life any longer (I have received many death threats), and I am afraid that because I am tired of running and tired of hiding from this, something may happen to me. I am NOT suicidal so if something does happen to me I want the facts to be out there so that people can know

what happened and why.
I have been unable to find somebody to help me in my struggle with the Broward County judicial system, partly due to the poor financial situation that I am in, and because I have yet to find an attorney who is willing to pursue a case against another attorney. I have hired three attorneys that all accepted my money, but did not do anything to help me. I tried making complaints, but nobody would believe me. I complained to the Broward County Courthouse, and told them the same thing I am writing here, but they told me to 'get out' of there, and that I had 'better not come back - ever'. They barred me from entering the building again. I was warned that the security guards at the door would be given a photograph of me and they would arrest me if I tried to enter the building again. This meant that I was also unable to show up for my own court dates.

I have a very loving family and it is destroying us, I am unable to try to run and hide any more, and my family deserve better than the extreme stress, depression, paranoia and insomnia they have had to endure to the point where we are getting physical health problems. I have been left with no other choice than to speak out about what I have gone through, and why I have been victimized. At this point I will mention that I am a black male. Denise is a white female and has a brother who is also an attorney (he was previously a state attorney).

Soon after the case began, I was taking some time to relax at an establishment on Fort Lauderdale beach. I noticed a couple walk in and saw the lady [Denise] looking at me, she left the man she was with and walked over towards me and said I looked familiar to her. She looked familiar to me too, but I didn't know why. After a few minutes of conversation she asked me if I had a child support case against me. I told her I did, then she let me know that she was the prosecuting attorney in my case. She told me she could help me and asked me for my phone number, then she gave me hers. Shortly afterwards, her boyfriend walked in and we were introduced to one another, we shook hands and then parted ways.

A short time after that, she started calling me more and more frequently. She would call and ask me where I was and what I was doing. I felt I had no choice other than to be nice to her because she had already told me she was very good friends with the judge and she was able to influence the judges decisions. I felt afraid to reject her calls, because she made it clear to me that she could influence the judge to go 'either way'. I knew she was in a very powerful position.

At that time I was working cleaning cars and would be at a different place every day. Most days I would need help and would give the extra work to homeless people, they would often earn more money than I did. I knew they needed it most and I would always help people whenever and however I could.

Denise would start showing up at my places of work to see me. I did not like her coming to my places of work, but was afraid of offending her by telling her that I did not want her to come there. She would sometimes bring me gifts, including jewelry. She later told me where she got the jewelry from - she said she took the jewelry from people who would appear in court, and if they ever come back to get it she would "replace it with some bullshit", and that it "didn't matter" because "everybody does it" and the people who own the jewelry "can't do anything about it".

On New Years Eve while I was out, she [Denise] called me on my cell phone and asked me where I was. I told her I was 'hanging out'. She said she wanted to see me and she was with some friends, she asked me if I'd like to join her. I responded by saying I already had plans for the night and my response made her extremely angry. She was shouting at me and told me if I wanted her to help me and not make things difficult for me I had better "reconsider the plans" I had.

Denise would continue to show up at my places of work and began to put more and more pressure on me to spend time with her, always saying she wanted to help me. She put pressure on me to have sex with her and when I asked about her boyfriend (the gentleman I met on the beach), she said she 'put him out'. She would turn up at my places of work around the time I would be leaving for the day and pressure me into going home with her to have sex. She became very controlling, and would call me her 'sex slave'. She would brag to me about how her "colleagues WISH they had the courage to do this" and that they "always have to go to the Bahamas so they can 'get some black dick' without anyone knowing about it". I felt degraded and powerless, and didn't know what to do.

She would come to my workplaces every day so she could catch me as I was leaving, she called me several times a day to find out where I was and what I was doing. She told me she wanted me to move in with her 'if I wanted her to help'. She would search through my wallet and pockets to make sure I didn't have other phone numbers. She would continuously tell me about conversations the Judges and attorneys had at work, and how they view black men, and she would tell me that they would make my life very difficult if I didn't have her help. She would ask me to take photographs of her in her underwear, and she wanted to take indecent photographs of me - I refused but she still violated me - she would take humiliating photographs of me while I was asleep and then show me the photographs.

I lived with her for a total of three years, during that time I was able to maintain a relationship with my children, and I learnt a lot about the judicial system. She would even take me in to the Judge's chambers and would show me and tell me many things that shocked me. I will expand on that later - as and when I am emotionally able to do so.

I tried to be hopeful that this would all be over soon because the judge would often call and ask her out on dates, and she would tell me she's getting my case handled. But approximately three years after I met her, I found out that she had frequently taken my children to a place that is notorious for drug dealing - I grew up in a similar environment and promised that my children would never be around that. She knew how I felt about it, and knew how hard I worked to keep my children away from a negative environment. I decided at that point that I could not do this any more, and would not sacrifice my children's well-being at ANY cost. Of course I feared what would happen to me - she made her threats but like any man, I would die for my children, and I will NEVER endanger them. I immediately left and that was when she got really nasty...